Fun Video

Steven and I made this video at the Incredible Pizza Company. I thought it was funny. I couldn't get the whole video to post, but you'll get the idea. Hope you enjoy.

4th of July

Steven's family came to visit 4th of July weekend. This was right after we discovered that I was pregnant, so we decided to tell them while they were here. They were of course very excited and shocked. We had a really great time while they were here. I wish we could see them all more often. I love spending time with my adorable neices, Maddie and Celianna, and my cute, cute, cute nephew, Branigan. We spent the weekend going to the Incredible Pizza Company, seeing the famous ducks at the Peabody Hotel, eating Memphis ribs, riding a riverboat down the Mississippi river, watching fire works, and playing in the water sprinkler. It was a very full weekend but very fun. Here are some pics from from the firework show at Navy lake.

Celebrating the News

Shortly after finding out we were pregnant (and of course before the barfing set in), Steven and I went to the Melting Pot here in Memphis to celebrate our new adventure. This is one of our favorite places to eat. It's always nice and quiet. A perfect place to just sit back, relax, eat slowly and have wonderful conversation. If you've never been, you should go. But only go with someone you like to talk to or you may experience some really long uncomfortable silences. This is never the case with Steven and I, we always have something crazy to discuss. But on this day, we talked all about becoming parents. Steven is very excited, more excited than me I think. It doesn't quite feel real to me. Being a mom scares me to death. You would think being the oldest child in a large family would have me feeling more prepared, but I don't feel prepared. I'm not sure if I even know how to change a diaper. And honestly I don't think Steven has ever even held a new born baby. This will definitly be a new adventure for us.

Steven is excited about having a designated driver for the next year. I think he assumes that now he can drink for three!

I'm Back

I took a little vacation from blogging. I suppose I shouldn't say "little" since it has been almost 2 months since my last entry. And really I shouldn't say "vacation" because I havent spent the last 7 weeks sipping pina coladas on the beach. . .nope, I've spent the last 7 weeks vomiting my guts out. Every day. All day. Yes, I have been experiencing morning sickness with all of its morning-noon-and night glory. But I think that I'm finally coming out of it. I'm starting to feel like a human being again. Thank the Lord! I was starting to think that the little rasberry sized miracle inside of me was really a rasberry sized demon. But after weeks of eating nothing but chicken noodle soup, crackers, and cheerios I think I'm on the road to a more pleasant pregnancy. By the way, I hate everyone who didn't vomit continuously while pregnant. Not fair!
Anyway, that is the extent of my excuse for not blogging. Now I'm going to try to play catch up with my entries.
Oh yeah, check out my baby countdown at the bottom of the screen. .. I know, it's cheesey.

I have arrived!

Okay, okay. . .so I’ve finally given in to all the blogging peer pressure. Feel free to laugh and poke your fingers at me. Because, trust me, I’m just as shocked as you are. I never thought that I’d be doing this, but after months of tracking other people’s blogs I’ve started to convince myself that there might be a handful of people out there that would actually be interested in my life.

I’m new to all this. . .so I’m not sure exactly where to begin. However, since this blog will be mostly about mine and Steven’s life together, the logical place to start would be the day we met . . .or re-met I guess I should say. Enjoy!