
After many years of coming up with excuses about why we shouldn't have a dog. . .we finally gave in and decided to take the kanine plunge. Steven has been begging for a Boston Terrier since we got married. However, I hate Boston Terriers. . .I think they are the ugliest, craziest, and most hyper dogs ever created. Steven loves their bulgy eyes and huge mouths with dangling tongues. He laughs every time he sees one. I love to see my husband laugh, so we compramised. He wanted a Boston and I wanted a Pug, so we bought a Bugg. A perfect mixture of boston and pug. She was 6 weeks old when we got her. She was born in Humble, Texas and her Uncle Cole brought her all the way to Memphis, Tennessee. After the first week, I was exhausted. Getting up at 3 am and 6 am every day to take her out was making me realize how unprepared I was for this responsibility. But we've stuck with it and she's doing really well. She is now 10 weeks old and growing every day. She sleeps through the night and has minimal accidents throughout the day. I'm hoping in another month she will be completely house broken. So, we'll see.

We're having lots of fun with her. I think she's sooooo cute, but I promise I will try my hardest not to force you all agree with me. My family already thinks we're going to those annoying people who brings their dog every where and thinks every thing they do is wonderful. All I can say is that we will TRY not to become that.

This is her regal boston terrier pose.

Sorry Cole. . .I couldn't resist. You'll be happy to know that she hates being dressed up.

She's sooo tiny!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, she's cute....kinda "ugly" cute, but cute. I really like her name. Oh, and I promise that I won't call your first born child "ugly cute."


I have arrived!

Okay, okay. . .so I’ve finally given in to all the blogging peer pressure. Feel free to laugh and poke your fingers at me. Because, trust me, I’m just as shocked as you are. I never thought that I’d be doing this, but after months of tracking other people’s blogs I’ve started to convince myself that there might be a handful of people out there that would actually be interested in my life.

I’m new to all this. . .so I’m not sure exactly where to begin. However, since this blog will be mostly about mine and Steven’s life together, the logical place to start would be the day we met . . .or re-met I guess I should say. Enjoy!