On the job injury

Me getting beat up at work seemed to interest many of you. So I thought I'd post this picture. .. I think it's really funny. I can't give a lot of details about what happened, but basically I got punched in the face and had a metal door slammed on me by a rather large 15 year old girl. Yes, yes I got beat up by a child. All should be proud though, because I did not strike back. Anyway, when I got home that night Steven doctored me all up. I think he went a bit overboard with the icepacks :) But it makes for a funny picture. . . and story.


  1. This picture is TOO FUNNY!!!! I've been laughing all morning. You look way to happy to have been beat up by a 15 year old.

  2. Hell- arious! ... as in hillarious picture- and awful kid! When I first saw the picture I thought it might be a joke or something.



I have arrived!

Okay, okay. . .so I’ve finally given in to all the blogging peer pressure. Feel free to laugh and poke your fingers at me. Because, trust me, I’m just as shocked as you are. I never thought that I’d be doing this, but after months of tracking other people’s blogs I’ve started to convince myself that there might be a handful of people out there that would actually be interested in my life.

I’m new to all this. . .so I’m not sure exactly where to begin. However, since this blog will be mostly about mine and Steven’s life together, the logical place to start would be the day we met . . .or re-met I guess I should say. Enjoy!